
  • Rio Rinaldi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Romi Isnanda Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ineng Naini Universitas Bung Hatta


digitalisasi, umkm, sablon, curing, facebook ads


Sablon Inyiak is an UMKM under the guidance of the Department of Tourism and the Department of Industry and Trade of the City of Padang. Inyiak Sablon is an UMKM that opens screen printing services for the manufacture of t-shirts, bags, hats, and other interesting souvenirs that promote local wisdom. Some of the characteristics and attractiveness of Inyiak Sablon products can be seen from the empowerment of regional terms through t-shirt designs and other attributes. In this regard, the existence of universities, in this case Bung Hatta University, can also play a role in developing business units managed by the community. Through the community service program initiated by the Bung Hatta University LPPM, the role of universities towards UMKM is jointly expected to be able to build the people's economy. Based on this, two problems were identified from the partners. First, the marketing of Inyiak Sablon products and services still uses a manual or endorsed system. These efforts are not very effective and increase consumer interest so that more targeted efforts are needed. One of these efforts is to use the Facebook Ads service as a structured and massive promotion tool. In this system, business owners will be assisted to reach potential consumers more broadly based on age, gender, coverage area, and so on. The second thing that partners need is the need for a screen printing curing machine and post-drying fabric shelves. This tool is a tool that can help the process of drying screen printing ink, especially plastisol. The drying and ripening process itself takes some time by means of irradiation. Screen printing curing machine as a replacement solution for direct sunlight, the process is also faster, the drying and ripening results are more even. This also reduces the risk of breaking or cracking the screen prints when washed several times. Thus, of course, the quality of the product will increase. Based on that, the marketing and production of Sablon Inyiak is more effective. By using the digitization system, the targets achieved from this activity are obtained in the form of reports in the form of impressions, traffic, leads and so on. Through the digitization system, an increase in enthusiasts will be identified based on age, gender, and area coverage. In addition, the quality of Inyiak Sablon products, especially in the case of plastisol screen printing, is increasingly tested and reduces the risk of breaking or cracking when the screen prints are washed several times.


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