Inovasi, Pemasaran, Riset, Kegiatan, EkonomiAbstract
In Indonesia, there is a wide variety of product innovations related to activities carried out by the community by promoting the marketing process. This development is also related to the matters of companies that compete with various innovations in developing their business to be more advanced. In a business, a lot of considerations are needed so that the profit or profit obtained is more than the capital spent but the quality is still prioritized. One of them is in marketing research which is a place for providers of products or goods to be traded. Market and Marketing Aspects are needed so that the buying and selling process can run smoothly and for transactions. It can be seen how vital the Market and Marketing Aspects are in a business. Where in a business this aspect is the most essential aspect. Market and Marketing Aspects are used in marketing methods in which you can find out how much demand there is so that the business runs properly. Many competitors that occur in the market make a study of the marketing aspects necessary to reduce things that can harm the company. The right marketing position will make the company get the desired profit. In marketing research, also states that there are various methods that can be used in society to support the economy by prioritizing innovative products, but problems in product innovation must be constraints with business capital and advantages or disadvantages, with the COVID-19 pandemic problem with the industrial sector experiencing a decline. Which is very drastic, thereby reducing the innovation that will be carried out.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yayan Andriani
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