
  • Yulfia Nora Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ira Rahmayuni Jusar Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Rieke Alyusfitri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Egari Ayanof Universitas Bung Hatta


Media pembelajara, powtoon, teknologi informasi


The condition of partners in elementary schools who tend to only use media images, maps and globes in delivering learning materials in class. This is due to the lack of knowledge of partner communities or teachers about various information technology-based applications that can be utilized in creating learning innovations, one of which is making learning media. Other causes are due to the ignorance of the partner community in using information technology that can be used for making media and the perception of the partner community that information technology is difficult to use. In today's digital era, teachers should be able to make information technology-based learning media that are much more interesting, creative and interactive. One of the information technology-based applications that teachers can use in making the media is through the use of the powtoon application. Seeing the rapid development of information technology, it is deemed necessary to carry out Community Service (PKM) for elementary school teachers regarding the use of powtoon applications as an alternative information technology-based learning media. As for the community partners, namely teachers at SD Negeri 05 Parambahan, Bukit Sundi District, Solok Regency. The PKM implementation method goes through four stages, namely the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages. The results of the PKM implementation show that most of the partner communities can create learning media in the form of animated, creative and interactive Powtoon-based videos.


The condition of partners in elementary schools who tend to only use media images, maps and globes in delivering learning materials in class. This is due to the lack of knowledge of partner communities or teachers about various information technology-based applications that can be utilized in creating learning innovations, one of which is making learning media. Other causes are due to the ignorance of the partner community in using information technology that can be used for making media and the perception of the partner community that information technology is difficult to use. In today's digital era, teachers should be able to make information technology-based learning media that are much more interesting, creative and interactive. One of the information technology-based applications that teachers can use in making the media is through the use of the powtoon application. Seeing the rapid development of information technology, it is deemed necessary to carry out Community Service (PKM) for elementary school teachers regarding the use of powtoon applications as an alternative information technology-based learning media. As for the community partners, namely teachers at SD Negeri 05 Parambahan, Bukit Sundi District, Solok Regency. The PKM implementation method goes through four stages, namely the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages. The results of the PKM implementation show that most of the partner communities can create learning media in the form of animated, creative and interactive Powtoon-based videos.





