Dampak Pandemik Covit-19, Strategi Pemasaran, Inovasi Produk MakananAbstract
The covid 19 has a serious impact on health and also on weakening the national and international economy. Various industrial and SME sectors including the cow's milk business also experienced the impact. this business was progressing before the coming of covid_19, but after it's coming the sales experienced a significant decline. According to the survey results conducted by the PKM team of Bung Hatta University found various obstacles caused by covid_19: 1) low product demand, 2) product sales decreased by 60% as well as income, besides that it also has an impact on reducing the number of workers with an average of 1-3 person per each cow's milk SME. The service team made effort to help SME to survive during the covid pandemic by providing them with knowledge and skills about good production processing, namely by paying attention to hygiene and sanitation, socializing marketing strategies such as optimizing the use of consumer service in the form of delivery service and online ordering, as for other effort is by providing assistance to cow's milk SME performers in innovating food and beverage ingredients made from milk which agreed by all ages. The method is by socialization, training, and mentoring. the steps of this service go through several stages namely: 1) preparation, 2) implementation and 3) evaluation. The results obtained after this training and mentoring were an increase in knowledge and in the ability of cow's milk SME owners in innovating their business and being able to contribute to the development of business strategies in dealing with the covid pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ade Sri Madona, Hidayati Azkiya, Siti Rahmi

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