Pencatatan Pembukuan, Akuntansi, UMKMAbstract
Financial management is an important aspect of business progress. Therefore, there is a need for community service activities. This activity aims, to increase the abilities and skills of entrepreneurs who are central members of Fish Product Processing Production, so that they can easily use accounting in their business activities to improve business financial performance. The method of implementing this activity is carried out using the lecture, tutorial, and discussion methods. The systematic implementation of this service activity is step 1 where participants are given the motivation to have a willingness to use accounting in their business activities. In addition, participants were given an overview of accounting and the important role of accounting for business owners. The first step is carried out for 1 hour. Step 2, Training participants are given accounting materials from recording to preparing financial reports. The second stage was carried out for 5 hours. And in Step 3: training participants are given the opportunity to discuss issues related to their business finances. The third step is carried out for 1 hour. The closing of this business owner accounting training activity went smoothly. all participants enthusiastically participated in the event to the end and felt the benefits of the training for the progress of their business. The suggestions that can be given are that similar training can be carried out again with a wider audience, and with other topics. In addition, facilities for presentations such as LCD, and loudspeakers should be checked again before the event is held.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Suarni Norawati, Zulher, Rani Munika, Herliyus Efendi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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