
  • Pasymi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Elmi Sundari Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Abdullah Munzir Universitas Bung Hatta


Orgaanic waste, Black Soldier Fly, Maggot, former waste, animal food, compost


The use of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae or maggot as a medium for organic waste processing (biodegradable waste) can provide multiple effects. Besides being able to reduce the volume of organic waste and CH4 emission, this process will also produce protein concentrate (mature maggots), and former waste (compost). Mature maggots can be used as raw material for animal feed (fish and poultry food), while the former waste can be used as organic fertilizer (compost). This community service activity is intended to provide training on organic waste processing using maggot to partners, namely cleaning service workers and Chemical Engineering students at Campus 3 of Bung Hatta University. The training was carried out in 3 stages, namely (i) the stage of providing theoretical briefing and visual enrichment, regarding technology for organic waste processing using maggot, to partners; (ii) the stage of providing training (field experience) to partners on how to process organic waste using maggot; and (iii) the stage of coaching and mentoring partners who try to process organic waste using maggot after the training activities are completed. The targets of this community service activity include: increasing the knowledge and interest of partners to process organic waste using maggot, reducing the volume of organic waste that is disposed of in the Final Disposal Site (FDS), and providing business opportunities ( added value of economy) to the partners. From the results of this community service activity, it was found that the knowledge and interest of partners in the process of organic waste processing, using maggot, increased significantly. The results of the questionnaire assessment show that this training activity was able to increase partners' knowledge of the process of organic waste processing using maggot by an average of 92%. Meanwhile, the increased interest of partners in organic waste processing can be seen from the presence of 4 partners (students), who took the final task (research) related to the process of organic waste processing using maggot, after the community service activity was completed. The mentoring results to students who conduct research on the use of maggot as an organic waste processor proved that organic waste processing, using maggot, can reduce the volume of organic waste and reduce environmental pollution. Besides this, student research also revealed that the process of organic waste processing using maggot is influenced by several factors, including the water content of the waste, the age of the maggot when it is put in the garbage, the type of nutrition in organic waste, the ratio of maggot to organic waste, temperature, and others. From the results of this community service activity, it can be concluded that the organic waste processing using BSF is very easy to do and can provide added value of economic, because the products of the process can be used as animal feed and fertilizer/compost.


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