
  • Rika Desiyanti Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fivi Anggraini Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Tyara Dwi Putri Universitas Bung Hatta


Keywords: Financial literacy, Financial technology, SMEs for female students


SMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) have an important role in encouraging the national economy, and creating jobs. Everyone can become a SMEsactor, including female students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Bung Hatta University. Female students are the millennial generation of the nation's hope. Female students were chosen because in addition to having more interest in the field of entrepreneurship, they also have perseverance, accuracy, patience, strong will, high spirits, and discipline. Financial literacy and technology are knowledge and skills faced in the digital era. The existing problems are non-existent or incomplete financial reports, not being able to distinguish business finances from personal finances, being incompetent with digital financial technology are obstacles faced by SMEs. With this community service activity, it is hoped that it can solve problems and find solutions. It is hoped that after this activity, female students SMEs will have knowledge, understanding, ability to read, analyze, make decisions, implement and use business financial literacy and technology well. So that the business can develop well, be reliable and have good competitiveness in the market. The way to solve the problem is to help and provide training and knowledge in the field of financial literacy and technology. Understanding and skills in making financial statements (cash, balance sheets, and income statements) and skills in using financial technology (online payment and financing systems). Then activities and monitoring, evaluating and assisting SMEs, FEB female students received knowledge about financial literacy and technology which they hoped could apply to their business.


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