The development of information and communication technology today has reached all aspects. The influence is felt and can't be avoided anymore because this is already a demand in the transformation period in the 4.0 era to the era of society 5.0 which refers to the basis of technology. Even in learning in this transformation, the world of education must also adjust. This can be seen from the use of media in learning itself affects how much students understand in the learning itself. Moreover, during the transition from era 4.0 to 5.0 where the learning process is delivered wherever possible using technology. So it is expected that teachers should be able to deliver learning materials effectively and efficiently. The learning media used in SD 33 Kalumbuk Padang in the learning process is still conventional with makeshift media, makeshift pictures and even the media used is very small so that it has an impact on the way students learn who tend to be lazy and active students are the same so that impressed the learning process is less interesting so that learning is only theoretical and monotonous. Based on observations and interviews conducted with the principal of SD 33 Kalumbuk, the use of IT media in learning has not been optimal, even the use of Android in learning can be said to have never been. This is due to the limitations of information technology in accessing learning media. In addition, some teachers are still having trouble making interactive learning media. Based on the description above, the solution to the problem offered is the implementation of training and mentoring activities for teachers at SDN 33 Kalumbuk in making Android-based learning media.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rini Asmariati, Desy Aryanti, Nori Yusri, Era Trinana4

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